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Community Connections

Our Community Connections department works to increase access for all Bethel students and families by removing barriers, providing resources and support and increasing understanding of Bethel School District. We create intentional relationships with agencies, community-based organizations, and individuals to bridge gaps and create opportunities. We strive to create safe, healthy spaces that help foster productive learning environments and networks to support student success.

District partners

We work with many partners to keep the Bethel Family Center, located on the Challenger High School campus, growing and thriving as a source of family services in our area. We partner with Right at School to provide before and after-school programs at several local schools.

Homeless students

We also work to ensure that our McKinney-Vento students, those lacking regular fixed housing, have opportunities to be successful in school.

Foster Care

We work to ensure that our students in foster care have access to all educational opportunities by removing barriers, promoting school stability and providing educational support.

America’s Promise

We promote America’s Promise within the schools and the community. We are proud to be Pierce County’s first school district of promise. We also work with the health department and court system to keep our kids attending school.


We support B.E.S.T. (Bethel Educational Scholarship Team) in their efforts to raise scholarships for Bethel students. We team up with the community to create a Bethel community float each spring for the Daffodil Parade to promote our community and ensure that our students can serve as royalty.

Bethel Outreach Bus

BOB visits neighborhoods and small communities in the Bethel School District offering access to resources such as school, health, social and other outreach services and resources.  Staff will be available to assist families with access to WIC, DSHS services and several other resources requiring internet access.

BOB also offers bread donated by Franz Bakery, food items and school supplies such as back packs, clothes and books (items offered depend on season and availability).  

If you're interested in hosting BOB in your community or at a school event, contact Community Connections at 253.800.2250.


Darius Alexander
Community Connections Director

Karina Abbott
Secretary to the Director/BECCA

Danielle Stanford
Community Connections Coordinator 

Echo Abernathy
Community Connections Coordinator 

Caitlin McConnell
Family Resource Coordinator