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Equity & Achievement


We'd like to welcome you to the Bethel School District's Equity and Achievement Department. We serve as a resource and leader in promoting Bethel's commitment to equitable and accessible opportunities for all members of the Bethel School District community.

We fully embrace our rich, diverse school community as expressed through race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, ability, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, religion, national origin, immigration status, language background, language proficiency, and family structure.

Bethel School District is dedicated to educating all students to their fullest potential and building a culture of excellence that is grounded in principles of equity; an environment that fosters intellectual, social, physical, emotional, and ethical growth for all students.

If the Equity and Achievement Department can be of any assistance to you, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Warmest regards,

Debbie Carlman
Director, Equity and Achievement

The Bethel School District strongly promotes an appreciation for cultural awareness and a respect for differences among individuals. 

The Equity & Achievement director is responsible for investigating an/or mediating racial or other equity complaints at schools; conducting diversity trainings with students and staff to build awareness; and meeting with community groups to solicit input on programs, problems and solutions.

Learning for JusticePromotes social justice, tools for tolerance, and way to counter hate.

Contact Us!

Debbie Carlman

Dir., Equity & Achievement


Equity Specialist



Equity Specialist


will waverly

Equity Specialist