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Retirement & Subbing

Are you a retiring educator at the end of the school year who may be interested in working in the future as a substitute teacher?

Here are some tips to consider.

Bethel Retire-Rehire Sub Rates

Rate change effective 01/01/2022 - End of Current 21-22 SY (previously $140/$70)

Rates for the 23/24 SY are pending the completion of bargaining. Updated information will be posted once the new CBA is finalized.

Mondays - Thursdays

  • Substitute Teachers: $165/day ($82.50/half day)
  • BSD Retire​-Rehire​ Teachers: $175/day ($87.50/half day)


  • Substitute Teachers: $200/day ($100/half day)
  • BSD Retire​-Rehire​ Teachers: $210/day ($105/half day)

Waiting Period

You’ve worked for years and deserve your full retirement benefit through the Department of Retirement Systems (DRS).

  • Depending on your individual circumstance, there is most likely a 30 consecutive days waiting period between the effective date of your retirement and when you’re eligible to sub.
  • Please check with DRS because we’re guessing you don’t want to be penalized on your pension by 5.5% for every seven (7) hours worked in a month (up to 140) for disregarding having a 30 days break in service.

Application Process

The least we could do is to streamline the hiring process for those who retired from Bethel Schools. However, we need to have a process to track those we hire to ensure proper data entry is done so you’ll be paid for the work you’re about to do.

  • Please review the job posting for the position of substitute teacher (not emergency substitute) when it opens over the summer for the upcoming year.
  • Next, use the Internal Applicants application link by clicking on “Submit an internal application/transfer form” on the web.
  • The application requires you to complete a short application, upload a resume and list three reference contacts by name, phone and email address.


Once your application is received and your recent supervisor has completed the confidential reference form, Human Resources staff will review your materials.

  • Depending on the time of year, this can take one to three weeks.
  • Keep in mind, the DRS waiting period for compliance is your responsibility with regard to when you begin subbing.

Hiring Process

The Substitute Office will notify those approved for hire by email or phone.

  • Those who retired from Bethel School District at the end of the previous school year will not need to complete full hiring forms or attend new employee orientation as long as their application is received and approved by August 31.
  • Those submitting an application for substituting on September 1 or beyond will be required to complete new hiring forms and submit a background check (i.e., fingerprints) at their own expense.


Please contact the Substitute Office

p: (253) 800-2042
