Route 3: E-Subs, Non-Bethel Employees, *Instructional Paraeducators
Those who are either:
...and is interested in pursuing their teacher certification via Alt Routes, must do so via Route 3 -- click for more info.
NOTE: Route 3 admissions, placement, information, etc. is all done through a program -- see below for additional information provided by PESB.
- a current Bethel non-instructional employee (PSE, BEA, Non-Rep); OR
- a current Bethel Substitute (includes Emergency Substitute Teachers, paraeducator subsitutes, etc.); OR
- not currently employed by Bethel; OR
- a *Bethel instructional paraeducator who
- does not meet minimum requirements to be considered for district support via Route 2; and/or
- does not want to obtain teacher certification in a high-need area as identified by Bethel; and/or
- has missed the deadline to be considered for the upcoming school year
Route 3 Information
Program Option Suggestions
HOWEVER, Bethel encourages those who desire obtaining their teaching credential to do so through a traditional route. Local program suggestions are listed below.
If you hold an AA --> Bachelor of Arts in Education
If you hold a BA+ --> Alt Routes and/or Masters in Education/Teaching option
- CWU - Alt Routes + Masters Option
- PLU - "One Year Teacher Certification"
- UW-Tacoma
- CityU
- St. Martins
- Grand Canyon University (online) - "Initial Programs"
- Northwest Educational Development "NWED" -- certificate only
Click here for a full list of WA-state approved Teacher Prep programs.
NOTE: Bethel reserves the right to select which programs to partner with and/or support student-teaching placements. Bethel does NOT support WGU, and have limited support for online programs; brick-and-mortar programs are preferred. Bethel does NOT partner with WGU, and therefore, does not support practicum nor student teaching placements.
Mel Boyd
Director of Human Resources
(253) 800-2032