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Bus Expectations

The following expectations apply to all students using school district transportation to and from school and school-sponsored activities and events.

  • Respect the bus driver, other students, property, and yourself.
  • Obey the bus driver's instructions and directions.
  • Keep hands, feet, and body off of other people's bodies, and their property.
  • Use kind and appropriate language. Avoid words or gestures that offend others, including profanity, teasing, name-calling, etc.
  • Eating or drinking is not allowed on the bus.
  • Before deboarding, clear your seat of belongings and/or any trash or debris.
  • Cell phones should not be used to record, take a video, or take a picture of anyone or anything inside the bus.
  • Be at your designated stop 5 minutes prior to pick-up.
  • Only get off bus at your designated stop.
  • Inform the driver of any conflict as soon as it is safe to do so. Do not participate in conflict.
  • Make sure your response is appropriate to the circumstance, do not overreact.
  • Listen to others, be tolerant, and be fair.
  • Stay seated on the bus at all times, with feet on the floor, and facing body forward. Do not switch seats, stand up, or walk while the bus is in motion. Once seated, stay seated.
  • Keep seatbelt on and fastened if/when sitting in a seat with seatbelts.
  • Speak in a classroom level voice. Do not yell or scream.
  • Do not bring items onto the bus that would interfere with student and driver safety - animals, toys, insects, breakable containers, chemicals, explosives, flammables, balloons, skateboards, etc.

Bethel Transportation's 3 BEs Bus Matrix

English-version (below)  |  Spanish-version  |  Russian-version  |  Ukrainian-version

Be Respectful, Be Responsible, Be Safe

Bethel 3BEs Bus Matrix