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Parent Participation

To ensure achievement and success for students in the Spanish Immersion Program, it is necessary for families to commit to the program for six years (kindergarten through fifth grade).  Long-term active parent support is extremely important to the success of this program. To support families and student learning: 

Families will also be asked to accept and embrace the school’s Spanish Immersion Statement of Understanding:

“I understand that research shows that the immersion process is most successful over an extended period of time, and I am willing to make a long term commitment of six years, keeping my child continuously enrolled at Thompson Elementary and encouraging his or her regular attendance.

I understand that having a child in a language immersion program offers unique challenges for parents.  Spanish and English instruction and homework will not be translated into the other language by the school.  Nevertheless, it is understood that parent support of student learning at home is expected, and the school will provide ideas for effective parent engagement.”

Report cards, notices and newsletters will be printed in Spanish and English.

Parent meetings will be held throughout the year to help build relationships and provide a greater level of support between families and the school.