Title I / Learning Assistance Program (LAP)
Bethel School District offers supplemental services to qualifying students in the areas of reading and math. The following programs are available in the elementary and secondary schools.
Title I
Title I is a federally funded program designed to help students who need extra support in school. Funds are given to each school district dependent upon the number of low-income families in the district. Title I is based on the idea that all students can succeed. The state sets high academic standards that each child is expected to work toward achieving. The Bethel School District, individual schools, and parents work together to plan programs to help children accelerate their learning.
Parents are encouraged to become involved. There are two kinds of Title I programs.
A Title I targeted assistance program identifies individual children who need extra assistance in the areas of reading and/or math. Another type of Title I program is a school-wide program. A school-wide program can be established when more than 40% of their students come from low-income families. Assessments are used to qualify students for Title I instruction services.
To qualify for a school-wide program, a year of comprehensive planning is required, with district staff and outside technical assistance involved. The goal is to improve or restructure the instructional program while addressing the ten components of successful schools. In this program model, all low achieving students can receive Title I services as needed.
Learning Assistance Program (LAP)
The Learning Assistance Program (LAP) is supported by the state of Washington. The goals and objectives of this program are identical to the Title I Targeted Assistance program. Students are instructed in small groups, and student progress is monitored on a frequent basis.