Title I/LAP Information
- Parent Involvement
- Private Schools
- Supplemental Curricula
- Title I Accountability
- Title I/LAP Goals
- Complaint Procedures
Parent Involvement
Parents are encouraged to participate in the design of their school’s yearly revision of the school improvement plan, participate on committees, to volunteer at school, to attend parent conferences and open house, and to work closely with their child at home and with the teachers at school. Parents are invited to participate in the planning of the district family involvement events and other parent activities available at their neighborhood schools. A Parent Compact and Parent Involvement Policy are development with parents and distributed yearly to families. Many schools also have a Parent/Child Take-home Reading/Math program to encourage children to read at home.
Policy 4121 - Parent/Community Involvement in Schools
The partnership between home, community and school is supported by board of directors and administration who will continually assess, plan and implement strategies that build the partnership. This is based on the belief that all have a responsibility to educate students, not just the teachers and staff in schools. Bethel School District is committed to the goal of providing a quality education to all children in our district. Involvement may include, but is not limited, to:
Policy 4130 - Title I Family Involvement
The board recognizes that family involvement contributes to the achievement standards by students participating in district programs. The board views the education of students as a cooperative effort among school, family and community. The board expects that its schools will carry out programs, activities and procedures in accordance with the statutory definition of family involvement. Family involvement means the participation of families in regular, two-way, and meaningful communication involving student academic learning and other school activities, including ensuring that families:
The term “family” as used in this policy refers to parents, extended family, guardians, or other person with whom a Bethel School District student resides. In using these terms, the Board recognizes that families within our community vary in family composition, cultural backgrounds, abilities, financial resources, and belief structures.
Schools also need the support of other members of the community including family organizations, public agencies, businesses, civic and faith-based organizations to support effective education. Bethel School District will create partnerships with community organizations that promote education as an investment in the community. Community groups and families will be encouraged to help schools develop and implement innovative programs that advance educational goals and support high academic achievement for all students.
The board of directors adopts as part of this policy the following guidance for parent involvement. The district shall:
- Parents and community members having an active voice and involvement in the school improvement process;
- Using business partnerships to expand the curricula;
- Assisting parents with understanding child and adolescent development and child-rearing skills;
- Recruiting, training and providing a variety of volunteer activities for parents and community members;
- Providing frequent and ongoing communication using a variety of means (e.g., newsletters, meetings, conferences, electronic);
- Providing diverse opportunities for parent involvement (e.g., committees, volunteering, monitoring homework);
- Providing a high degree of parent participation and involvement at open houses, PTA events and other school activities.
- Play an integral role in assisting their child’s learning;
- Are encouraged to be actively involved in their child’s education at school; and
- Are full partners in their child’s education and are included, as appropriate, in decision-making and on advisory committees to assist in the education of their child.
- Put into operation programs, activities and procedures for the involvement of families in all of its Title I schools consistent with federal laws including the development and evaluation of policy. Those programs, activities and procedures will be planned and operated with meaningful consultation with famiies of participating children;
- Provide the coordination, technical assistance, and other support necessary to assist participating schools in the planning and implementing of effective family involvement activities to improve student academic achievement and school performance.
- Build the schools’ and families' capacity for strong family involvement;
- Coordinate and integrate Title I family involvement strategies with family involvement strategies under other programs, such as Head Start, ECEAP, ELL, Home Instruction, Preschool Youngsters, State-run preschools;
- Conduct, with the involvement of families, an annual evaluation of the content and effectiveness of this policy in improving the academic quality of the schools served with Title I funds including: identifying barriers to greater participation of families in Title I-related activities, with particular attention to participation of families with limited English proficiency, families with disabilities and families of migratory children; and
Involve the families of children served in Title I, Part A schools in decisions about how the Title I, Part A funds reserved for family involvement are spent.
Private Schools
Low-performing private school students who live within the Title I school attendance area are eligible for Title I services. Criteria similar to that of the public school may be used to determine student eligibility. Public and private school staff must collaborate on what services and settings are most appropriate and possible. Services must be secular, nonidealogical, and equitable to those provided to public school students. Student academic progress must be reported to the district staff.
Supplemental Curricula
Title I Accountability
Each school is required to develop a school improvement plan. The plan must show how programs will address strategies to improve student achievement and meet state standards. Improvement plans must incorporate research-based strategies to strengthen core academic subjects.Other components included in school plans are: increase parent involvement, professional development for staff members, measurable goals for continuous improvement. Plans must specify how funds address school improvement status.
Title I/LAP Goals
Provide additional instruction and support to identified at-risk students so they will meet grade level standards.
Provide empowering opportunities for parents and families to support their children's educational progress from birth to twelfth grade.
- Catch struggling students early, using research based interventions with fidelity.
- Regularly communicate with parents regarding student progress.
- Facilitate a smooth transition process between school levels, including support for the process of meeting high school graduation requirements.
Academic Accountability
The federal No Child Left Behind (NCLB) act defines information that school districts must provide families about school and student academic performance, including school improvement status, individual student achievement on state tests and other related documents.
Information about the professional qualifications and “highly qualified” status of your child’s teacher and paraeducators who may be providing instructional services to your child can be accessed through Human Resources. Annual district and school performance reports and school improvement plans are also available for public review.
Additional Resources
- OSPI (Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction) - State education office
- National PTA - Lots of great tips for parents
- Starfall - Site for beginning readers
- Washington Parent Power
National Center for Family and Community Connections with Schools