Health Room & Forms
Required Immunizations for 2024-25 School Year
Washington state law requires children enrolling in public schools to provide proof of immunity to specific communicable diseases. Immunizations shall be provided against Hepatitis B, Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis, Polio, Measles, Mumps, Rubella and Varicella. Beginning with the 2020-21 school year, all students must have medically verified documentation of their immunization status on or before the first day of attendance. The regulation for medically verified records pertain to students in grades that require new immunization documentation. This includes students in preschool, kindergarten, seventh and new enrollees. Medically verified records include one or more of the following:
- A Certificate of Immunization Status (CIS) printed from the Immunization Information System (IIS)
- A physical copy of the CIS form completed with a healthcare provider signature
- A physical copy of the CIS filled out with accompanying medical immunization records from a healthcare provider verified and signed by school staff
- A CIS printed from MyIR
Students will not be able to attend school until the school has a student’s immunization record and immunizations are up to date. Contact your doctor to get a record of your child’s immunization record or you can access it on MyIR. Your child can get immunizations at his/her primary care provider, Free Children’s Immunization Service, the School-Based Health Center at Bethel Middle School, and the School-Based Health Center at Graham-Kapowsin High School.
Exemptions can be made for medical, religious or philosophical reasons. Personal/philosophical exemptions are not allowed for measles, mumps and rubella. The Certificate of Exemption must be completed by a licensed health care professional in Washington is required for a medical, religious or philosophical exemption. Religious membership that does not believe in any medical care only requires a parent or guardian's signature. For more information on immunizations and forms can be found at Washington State Department of Health.
Life-threatening health conditions
If your child has a life-threatening health condition, please take time over the summer break to get your them to the doctor to get orders and medication refills for school.
Substitute House Bill 2834 requires children with life-threatening health conditions to have medication or a treatment order on file prior to attending school. This includes early start programs such as the Bridge Program for 6th and 9th grade students.
Please make an appointment early with your child’s healthcare provider to make sure you can get these documents and refills in time for your child to start school.
You can find all the forms you will need for doctor’s orders by clicking on the "Forms" tab above.
Orders and all medications for life threatening health conditions will need to be received no later than the first day of school, but should be available three days prior to the first day for 2024/25. Fax directly to the school is acceptable, hard copy drop off is appreciated. The medication or treatment order(s) and health care plan must be provided before or on each child’s first day of attendance or continued attendance if the child is already in school.
State law requires children with life-threatening conditions to have a medication and/or treatment order on file prior to the start of school. A "life-threatening condition" is a health condition that could be deadly to the child – during the school day – if a medication and/or treatment order is not provided. School nurses will be responsible for putting a nursing care plan in place.
If your child has a “life-threatening” condition, please have a health care provider complete the required medication and treatment forms based on your child's health condition. All parents who have a child with a life threatening condition are required to fill out the basic packet that includes an Authorization for Exchange of Medical Information and a Contact Information form. Additional forms may be needed based on your child’s health condition. All forms and medications must be provided to your child's school before the school year begins. Upon receipt of the information from your health care provider and medication, the school nurse will contact you to develop an appropriate nursing plan. She will then need to train the staff. Your child may not be able to start school on the first day of school if the orders are not at school three days prior to school starting.
Asthma Packet (English) (Spanish)
Bee/Insect Allergy Packet (English) (Spanish)
Diabetes Packet (English) (Spanish/Russian)
Diet Prescription (English) (Spanish/Russian)
Food Allergy Packet (English) (Spanish/Russian)
Gastric Tube Feeding Request Form (English) (Spanish/Russian)
Health History (English) (Spanish/Russian)
Request for Medical Procedure (English) (Spanish/Russian)
Seizure Packet (English) (Spanish/Russian)
Physician's Orders for Medication at School Form (English) (Spanish/Russian)
Authorization for Exchange of Medical Information (English) (Spanish/Russian)
Please see the most up-to-date information from the Washington State Department of Health by clicking the link below.
What To Do When You Are Sick With COVID-19 or Another Respiratory Virus
Local Medical and Dental Services
When to keep your child at home (English)
When to keep your child at home (Spanish)
When is your child too sick for school? (English)
When is your child too sick for school? (Español)
When is your child too sick for school? (អក្សរខ្មែរ)
When is your child too sick for school? (한국어)
When is your child too sick for school? (Tagalog)
When is your child too sick for school? (Русский)
When is your child too sick for school? (Gagana fa’a Samoa)
When is your child too sick for school? (Українська)
When is your child too sick for school? (Tiếng Việt)